Authentic Living
Authentic living Workbook
The Joy of Fatherhood
Alter the Reality in Which You Live
Gaining a profound, life-changing self-awareness is not only possible, but it happens all the time. This book provides a clear guide to promote transformation using methods, ideas and tools developed over 24 years of counseling practice working to help people and groups to transform their relationships and their lives. This book provides the tools to fundamentally change the reality in which you live by learning self-mastery and releasing your fears and patterns of conflict. This process creates breakthroughs for anyone who is ready to understand and release the limiting beliefs, fears and paradigms of their past.
To read an excerpt from the book, click the link below.
A Father's Love
This story illustrates the power of forgiveness to transform relationships.
The Fundamentals of our process of Growth
Gaining a profound, life-changing self-awareness is not only possible, but it happens all the time. This book provides the basic tools we use to promote personal growth and transformation. It contains the writing exercises and concepts and tools you can apply in your life to help you focus on creating real positive change in your life in the specific area where you need it most.
Insights & Inspiration
for Better Parenting
A father’s love is profound but is often unexpressed.
Fathers and parents everywhere can use this book to deepen their
awareness as a human being, improve communication
with their children, and develop their skills as parents.
Each story in this book shares insightful messages of love that
communicate universal principles of healthy parenting. These
touching stories contain lessons that teach essential principles
and values to help all parents create more joyful and satisfying
family relationships and raise children who are happy and successful. This book inspires fathers to find the best parent within themselves and to discover the profound joy of fatherhood.
“ Letting It Go:
Suddenly my son, Craig, asked me, “Daddy, are you ready to let your anger go! ... I had used this line on him and his brothers plenty, but I never expected him to use it on me... ”