How We Create Our Own Reality

We are always creating and living in our own perceptual reality whether we like it or not


Creating Your Own Perceptual Reality:

The Process of Perception

  1.  Biological process of vision.
    1. The rod and cone cells coating the back of your eyes break down your visual field into about 130 million bits of information.
    2. This data is shipped to the back of your brain by the optic nerve.
    3. The brain reassembles images in the occipital lobe in the back of the brain.
  2. The brain-generated image that you “see” is modified in the brain by pattern recognition, the selective filtering out of sensory data by emotional connections to past experiences, and by expectations of what you expect to see.
  3.  What we are seeing is literally an image generated in our brain which is dramatically modified and filtered by our unconscious before it comes to our conscious awareness.
  4.  All of our physical senses work the same way, so all the data from our five senses is processed and altered in our brain before it goes to our conscious awareness.
  5. Our perceptions are molded to fit our paradigm
    1. We make up a paradigm about who we are (self-image), how other people are, and how the world is, and then we live as if that paradigm is true: We play the social roles that fit into our paradigm.
    2. This self-created paradigm of our personal reality—or our paradigm—profoundly affects our thoughts, feelings, and perceptions about ourselves, others, and the world. 

Everything we perceive is literally a reality we created in our brain.

Don’t Believe Everything You See


These Images are designed to trick your perception

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